Friday Night Recap: God's Property

We were all reminded Friday night that we are all God's special people, if we chose to believe in Him and give our lives to Him. "T" gave a great message on being ADOPTED, PURCHASED and FOREIGN (In this world, but not of it). We laughed, we joked, we nodded in agreement and recognized that it God has given us a gift, being His child and we can share that good gift with others.

T sharing his message and being really happy about his points

Erick, Chloe, Jessica W. and Adrienne were all smiles before the meeting

Please don't hesitate to drop in your prayer request!

Girl Scout cookies and donuts were a huge HIT! Can someone say, sweet tooth?

Awesome worship team: J.Boston, Andrew, Queena, Chloe and Larry

Noella and Mark Rizkalla giving announcements and testimonies!