FRIDAY NIGHT RECAP: The Persuasion of Our Conversation

Friday night we covered an awesome topic: OUR WORDS. OUR TONGUE. WHAT WE SAY. HOW WE SAY IT. 
We were reminded that we can help or hinder our witness for Jesus depending on how we speak. We should strive to uplift others rather than tear them down. 

We got into small groups to discuss the areas that we can all improve, discover some practical suggestions for how to apply God's Word and encourage others along the way. 

Worship Rehearsal. Mic check 1-2-3!

After 7pm prayer at the stage we did a loud "JESUS on THREE 1,2,3!"

Sweet time of worship music 

Chloie and Cindy

T and Drew twinning in denim

Stacie (Eden) and Adrienne welcoming folks in

The welcome table as you walk in

The worksheet for the evening
Above were some of the questions we covered in our small group time. The backside of the worksheet listed different adjectives of what kind of "tongue" we have: lying, piercing, swift, silent, etc. We identified the areas we struggle with, and how we can be more like Jesus.

"Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speakslow to anger" James 1:19