The first Bridge retreat for 2012 is coming very soon! This month, the young adult group will steal away from Friday, Feb. 24th (6pm) to Saturday, Feb. 25th (8pm) [yes, it's an overnighter] for a wonderful, challenging & encouraging time of seeking GOD!
The idea is to learn how to KNOW GOD, HEAR GOD and FOLLOW GOD. It says in God's Word, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me [John 10:27]" What a better way to spend a weekend then to soak up God's word and have it radically transform your life.
The retreat will be held at the Angel's Gate Facility in beautiful San Pedro. The cost for the entire retreat is $20 which includes lodging, meals and a t-shirt. (Wow - how affordable, start saving now!)
- Scripture Memorization and Devotion Reading - We'll participate in scripture memorization and reading the Word with the purpose of KNOWING and being equipped with the Word of God.
- Prayer and Fasting - We'll be involved in times of prayer and fasting which will cause us to HEAR God much more clearly than we do.
- Worship - We'll spend time worshipping God together and on our own; seeking His face and exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
- Physical Activity - We'll be pushed beyond our comfortable limits to a dependence upon God for His strength to FOLLOW Him.
- Team Unity - We'll be challenged with team activities to build unity within the Bridge and communicate spiritual truths.
Come out Friday night to let us know that you're IN and find out more details. How exciting to learn more about God together as the body of Christ. Can I get an Amen?! Have a blessed week : )
Come out Friday night to let us know that you're IN and find out more details. How exciting to learn more about God together as the body of Christ. Can I get an Amen?! Have a blessed week : )