Get Involved

BRIDGE PRAYER (1st & 3rd Friday)

Location: Hamilton Parking lot at 6pm
Join us as we pray for the needs of the Bridge ministry. We all have urgent and important prayer requests and we know that only God can answer them.


Location: Outside of the Jr. High Room doors

Nothing is better than eating good food and hanging out with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Come enjoy dinner, a snack and dessert before and after each Friday night teaching.

WORSHIP MINISTRY (One Saturday a month)
If you love to worship the Lord and He has given you a skill to praise Him, let us know and we'll provide you the date for the next Saturday worship practice. We encourage you to faithfully attend Friday nights before you play on stage.

MULTI-MEDIA MINISTRY (Every Friday night)
If you enjoy technology and have knowledge in PowerPoint or Sound, let us know and we'll have you use your skills and giftings.

GREETERS MINISTRY (Every Friday night)
If you like meeting new people and making them feel welcome, let us know and we'll give you an opportunity to serve and warmly welcome people to The Bridge.