Backyard Mission Team April 2012

This past weekend we had a special Backyard Mission trip, where 20+ of us went into the local communities surrounding our church home and dedicated our time and energy to spread the LOVE of JESUS. We spent Friday and Saturday ministering to people in Long Beach, Mar Vista, Venice, and Santa Monica. This type of trip is life changing, it shifts your entire perspective on what it looks like to serve our God. It requires great sacrifice of your time, your comforts and your willingness to be used. There is nothing comparable to being out on the streets, parks and schools encountering strangers and telling them about God and His love. It's a wonder why we don't operate like this more often, why we aren't full engaged in Kingdom building more. It's a beautiful reminder that it doesn't take much, and yet it requires obedience to decide that you will pursue Christ in this way. Many people were blessed by the trip, and the team was encouraged as well. Mostly though, we trust that God was glorified through any big or small thing we did.

Consider joining us for our next Backyard Mission outreach! You will practice being dedicated to meetings, prayer and devotional times as you prep for the trip. You may speak to a stranger about your faith and share a verse you never have shared before. You may hand food to a homeless person and see a warm smile on their face. You may hand a ticket to Heaven and ask someone "are you going?". You may wear a Got Jesus? t-shirt and have many eyes drawn to you. You may dance like a fool in front of a crowd - full of the JOY of Jesus. Others will see what you do and they may think about their relationship with God. You may plant a thought about Him in their lives that causes them to turn back to Him. You are a tool that can be used by the great Master Craftsman who has created us and called us to Himself.

Lastly, check out this AWESOME video. One of the Bridge ladies - Stephanie choreographed a dope dance that was performed Saturday on the Venice Beach boardwalk with the Rizkallas and a few High School students. The dance drew a crowd and we were able to share the GOOD NEWS of JESUS! Praise God. Great job, Steph!

Have a great weekend, God bless. Stay tuned for a recap of AUDIENCE of ONE which is tonight, Friday 4/27 at 7pm in the CCSB Cafe! See you there!