Good Friday April 6th

Join us tonight for GOOD FRIDAY service at CCSB as we remember our Lord as He went upon a cross, to die for our sins.  We will partake in communion as a church to honor and remember His body and His blood that was shed on our behalf. Pastor Alistair Begg puts it in a beautiful light:

"In the Incarnation, subtraction didn't happen—Jesus did not lose some of His deity in order to become a man. In the Incarnation, division didn't happen—Jesus did not become a combination of man and God (50% man and 50% God, or 60-40, or 70-30). In the Incarnation, addition happened—Jesus became what He had never been, man, without ceasing to be what He had always been, God. He didn't turn into a man, He became a man while remaining God, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9)"

See you tonight @ 7:30pm in the main sanctuary [The Bridge will join the rest of the congregation]. Our speaker tonight will be Pastor Bill Welsh. Have a beautiful [Good] Friday!