The Amazing BRIDGE Race!

Here's a recap of the first annual Amazing BRIDGE Race! Friday, May 18th. (Written by our very own Jose Sanchez aka PTJ aka the dude who plays Jesus in every skit)

- We all broke into groups of four with one drive and one leader
- Each team got one bag filled with instructions, cash, and tools for the race

- We started around 8:00pm and had to meet back at Louie's Burgers in Torrance by 9:45pm
- If you were late, 1 pt would be deducted for every minute
- The winner would be decided by which team could accumulate the most points
- Evelyn's team was pulled over on Del Amo and Hamilton, but thank God no ticket was given (crazy start to the beginning)
- The instructions given to us were broken down into three parts:

1. Challenges that needed to get done before 9:00pm
  • Come up with a team name
  • Come up with a team song
  • Drive to Redondo Beach and recite 1 Corinthians 9:24 Patmos style

2. Video challenges worth 5 pts each (minimum 2 needed to be complete)
  • Ex: Have a kid sing a children's Bible song with the team and give him/her a Bible
  • Ex: Sing a worship song in a public area
  • Ex: Go to a park and sing a theme song from a sitcom while on the swings (see video above. Great singing Anthony Martinez and Queena and nice dancing Steph)
3. Simple challenges each worth 1 pt (minimum 7 needed to be done)
  • Ex: Go to the grocery store, buy an orange and then have an employee sign it
  • Ex: Give someone who is running a bottle of water
  • Ex: Go to a friends or relatives house and tell them you are "thankful to God that you are in my life"
Other cool challenges were: Pump someone's gas, go to the laudry mat and help someone fold their clothes, get a baby picture of a team member, get a picture of a pet of a team member, etc.

The first team to arrive was Jose Sanchez's team followed by Jose's (PTJ) team, Anthony Martinez's team, Leo's team, Evelyn's team and then about 10:30pm Jared's team finally showed up.

Anthony Martinez's team and PTJ's team were tied with the most points. We had a sing/dance off tie breaker. PTJ's team (Team Mexico) won with a Mariachi dance. Awesome time!