Skid Row recap: Alex C.

Today we have a guest post from Alex C., sharing a recap of his weekend visiting Fred Jordan Mission in Los Angeles and sharing the love of Jesus to those who live on Skid Row.

"Well hello!
    Skid Row was amazing!! My experience at Skid was something different, it’s not like a mission trip to Long Beach Pike, Hollywood, or even just regular back yard streets… No , this is a place where people are in need, people are on drugs, drunk and just so caught up by the enemy that  you even see people so sad, depressed, angry, and lost.  It breaks my heart. There were even people who cursed God, denied God and even betrayed God... BUT there are also those who love God, seek God and want to know God.
Either way, we were there for all these people. During the trip we walked the streets of LA to pass out invitations to Fred Jordan Mission because we had a message to share. We had testimonies shared, dramas, skits and even a really good devotion shared.
We shared the Love of Christ most of all.   
 After all that we had lunch prepared for them and served them. We got our own plates of food as well and just sat with them and had convos as we ate. It was amazing to be able to eat with them and hear their testimonies. I was sitting with a guy name James, a real nice guy. Very joyful and outgoing. He was a coke addict and has been homeless for a while now.  He told me he needed Jesus and that he wants to be forgiven for his sins. Me and a brother prayed for him and just encouraged him. He also had fell in love with the scripture Jeremiah 29:11! He was amazed to know God had a plan in his life. Overall the trip was a blessing and I can’t wait to go back ;) "
A photo of the dudes on the rooftop of Fred Jordan Mission [Courtesy of Romo's fb]