Peace, be still. Mark 4:35-39

Tonight we had a blessed time at the Bridge. We studied Mark 4 - the story of Jesus calming a storm for the disciples and demonstrating His control in a difficult situation.

After a long day of ministry, Jesus tells His disciples that He will take them to the other side of the water. As the boats are heading over, a raging storm ensues and the disciples fear for their lives. They cry out to Jesus, in a panic as He sleeps soundly. Here, we identify with the disciples, as we realize that during a difficult situation or trial in our life, we fail to trust God. We often fear the storm rather than find assurance that God is present.

This story encourages us to seek a peace from God by relying on Him admits any circumstance. If we're in a storm or feeling pain we should call on Him! If we have experienced the peace He offers, we must foresee future trials and/or encourage others in their trials.

We split up in small groups to really apply what God's word says and how we can make it more personal. Leo shared that, until we make it personal and experience God for ourself, we may fail to trust Him. We left encouraged to pray for one another and let Christ be in control of our situations and outcomes.

Finally, we sang to Amber and Maria to celebrate June birthdays!