The Same but Different Series: Part 4

Here's a brief recap of a great Friday night Young Adult group study.  Come join us if you are looking for a place to be fed God's Word, encouraged in your faith, and meet and hang with like minded, young people who are your age! 

After a time of worship, Stephanie gave an incredible testimony about her family surviving the recent fires in Colorado Springs. Praise God her home was spared and He revealed some great things about Himself to her. She studied the same scripture we covered in our study: Romans 12:1-2. Steph shared that because of God's mercies, we can always come to Him. That we ought to continually surrender to Him and sacrifice everything we have and are. She related the roaring fires to the sanctification process (the process of being made pure). The heat, the pain, the trials are all for a larger purpose in His plan and will for our lives. It was a blessing to see her draw closer to Christ through her experience and share from her heart to encourage us. 

The scripture for part 4 of our Same but Different series was focused around Romans 12:1-2.  The idea was to focus on how we carry ourselves as men and women living for Christ. We learned that we must give everything we are to Him, renew our minds, transform our hearts and not conform, and strive to please and honor Him.

The girls stayed in the Jr. High room and the dudes headed upstairs to the Children's Sanctuary for a short time of small groups. What's so neat about small group time is that it provides an interactive experience for learning God's Word and applying it to your own life. It makes the lesson more
personal. Plus, you're with your own gender and that allows for a great exchange of thoughts and ideas amongst those who can relate to you best. 

Pastor Dennis and his wife Xu each led a short devotional on the scripture passage before small group discussion time. They broke down the scriptures word for word, giving deeper insight to the meaning of the words and the intent of the author. They also posed great application questions: What can you sacrifice? How? In what ways are you conforming to this world? How can your mind be renewed?

It was another blessed night! Come join us on Fridays at 7:30 and we continue learning about God's design and roles for both men and women alike. Next Friday we'll have another great opportunity for small group discussion (guys and girls split) and a chance to learn about Him greater (and get to know each other better, too).

See you there! Keep checking this page as we'll have some incredible Summer opportunities to get involved in our ministry and the community, coming soon!