The Cost of Discipleship (It ain't free!!)

What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? Is it raising your hand in church or saying grace before dinner? If it were so easy, there'd be more disciples than we could count. The fact is, while salvation has been given freely, discipleship comes with a tremendous cost. 

In Luke 14: 25 - 35, Jesus spoke strong, uncomfortable words to the large crowd following him. He said "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." Hate meaning "to love less" in Greek. The way we love God must be radically different from the way we love anyone else. Our friends, family, and most inner desires must take a backseat when it comes to loving the Lord and serving his people. No one may understand why we choose church over football games, movie nights, or family barbecues. But God requires these things of his disciples if having a deeper, satisfying relationship with Him is more important.

His question is:   Are you ready to do that?

God, ever so gracious, gives prospective disciples time to "sit down and count the cost" before making the decision. Are you willing to: 
- Carry your own cross?
- Endure hardship, ridicule, and stress in relationships?
- Give up everything, and He means EVERYTHING, to follow Him?

Elizabeth Elliot once wrote "We give all, because He gave all."

What would you give up for a life of following Jesus? What would you gain, if you did?

Luke 9:23 "Then he said to them all, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.' "