Calling us Higher, Deeper, and Closer than ever...

With the new year ahead of us, it's time to re-evaluate, re-fresh, and make changes to our approach
to worship and how close we want the Lord in our lives. Yes. Changes. And most of the time, change is for the better!

Again, we refreshed with Luke 9:23 (look it up for yourself!), then heard about a man named Caleb who was one of the faithful spies sent out to search the land of Canaan. Along with Joshua and ten other spies, they all brought back reports of giants in the land. But Joshua  and Caleb continued to believe the Lord's promise and "followed the Lord [their] God wholeheartedly" (Jsh 14:8). What was mind-blowing was, at eighty five years old, Caleb still embraced challenges by choosing to live near a strong enemy. Why? The challenges we face make us cry out and stay close to the Lord our God.

As disciples, it is important to stick and stay to the path God called us to travel, for our own good and ultimately, His glory. Challenges take us higher to the place God wants us to be, brings us closer to Him in times of trouble, and even deeper in love than before. That's where I want to be, amen? What a super blessed night! Keep holding fast !!


Praying for you Josh! Have a blessed time at Bible college!!