Time Out: Bridge Prayer 3/1 @ 6pm// Final Payment// Friday Night Meeting

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  • We will be praying before Friday night's meeting at 6pm! Come out and join us as we spend time thanking God for Who He is, His work in our lives and lifting up others. We pray for our community, and the specific prayer requests you submit.

  • After prayer, stay for an encouraging message from Pastor D as we continue our series on the attributes of God! This week we learn about: Jesus, Savior to all of the Earth. He is our Lord, Best Friend, Healer and so much more. Most importantly, He is our SAVIOR, the One who saves us from sin and death. We will end our night with a time of communion, prayer and worship.

  • ***FINAL RETREAT PAYMENTS ARE DUE 3/1*** Please bring cash or write a check for the remaining $69 for your retreat payment. Thank you! See you soon.