Who is GOD to you??

This was the overall question we covered last Friday with the help and insight of our guest speaker, 'T'. He shared an enlightening devo about the names and attributes of God and the different ways we can get to know Him better. After the study, we broke up into small groups and dug deeper in discussion, describing who God has been personally to each one of us. 
Here's a quick Q & A we covered that evening:

Q: How can we know more about God?
A: Prayer... Reading the B.I.B.L.E (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) ... and Fellowship with "fellow" believers.

Q: What are the 3 traits of God?
A: He is Omniscient (knows everything), Omnipresent (is everywhere), and Omnipotent (all powerful, and mighty in strength). 

Q: What are the different names of God?
A: Abba ("Papa, Father")... El Shaddai ("Almighty God", "The Mighty One of Jacob")... Jehovah Rapha ("The Lord who Heals")... Jehovah Jireh ("The Lord will Provide")...

Q: Want to know more?
God: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)