GOD is > than...... Your storm

Fellowship was awesome last Friday! There were new and familiar faces that night who joined us for a sweet time of prayer and worship. Pastor D gave an interesting message about how to handle trials in our lives.
In life, we can encounter crazy storms or walk through lonely deserts. They may be a test sent to build godly character... other times they are the result of our own disobedience. But whatever type of storm is raging.. Jesus shows us three things to remember:

1.His Simple Promises
When we read the promises over and over and believe them, nothing can move us. Promises found in Joshua 1:5, Philippians 4:13, or Psalms 55:22 are there for your heart to hold onto whenever loneliness, weakness, or stress creep in. His promises give us peace inside and a firm foundation against tough situations.

2. The Peace of God
Here is a picture of peace: Jesus in the back of the boat, sleeping on a cushion. Nothing moved him! After all, what does the Creator have to fear from the created? But the Lord has sympathy for us. The human side of Jesus responded, waking to the disciples' cry, and quickly came to the rescue (Psalms 18 illustrates this perfectly). The moment we cry out, He's up and will not delay in showing us compassion (Isaiah 30:18-19).

3. The Presence of God
Perhaps you've noticed in your Christian walk, that the presence of God stills. His presence stills our souls, and calms the storms around us. When Jesus approached the waves, He commanded them "Quiet! Be still!" and the waves had to be still. Maybe the storms have not stopped raging on the outside (yet), but on the inside, there is a calm that only Jesus can provide when you call on His name and hold tight to His promises.

It was so good seeing the Bridge that night! Hope to see you next time, have a blessed week!