Walk His Way (Live Like Jesus)

Friday night we reviewed what we have studied over the past month; our series “Walk, Think, and Talk His Way”.  Anthony shared and provided a great worksheet for us with verses that bring to light what we have studied these past Fridays. It is AMAZING to think and know that, we don’t have to know it all, do it all, or figure it out because He (Jesus Christ) has promise us that He will take care of it all when we place our trust in Him. 

And the verse that has been the focus of this series says; “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left (Isaiah 30:21 NKJV). Take a read and fill in the blanks:

Walk His Way
Psalms 119:9
God’s word keeps me from ___________ (Sin)
Psalms 119:28
God’s word keeps me _______________ (Strong)
Psalms 119:105
God’s word keeps me from ___________ (Straying)
*If you learn to __________ (Walk) with God, you’ll also learn to ______ (Die) to yourself.

Think His Way
Philippians 2:5
Have the same __________ (Mind) which was also in Christ Jesus.
Proverbs 23:7
“For as he ________ (Thinks) in his heart, so is he”
*You are what you think-­-you eventually become what you’re most passionate about.

Talk His Way
James 3:8-9
We can use our ____ (tongue) to either bless/build or curse/tear down.
Matthew 12:34/Luke 6:45
“Out of the abundance of the ______ (heart) the ______ (mouth) speaks”
1 Corinthians 14:1-3 (E.E.C)
Edification: to build up, instruction
Exhortation: encourage/correction
Comfort: consolation, freedom from pain
*Your mouth is a billboard, advertising what’s in your heart.

We got into small groups and discuss more in depth what this all means to us. We ended our night with a wonderful time in fellowship and great tasting Mexican food, DELICIOUS! See you at our next meeting!!