More Retreat Pics!

A snapshot of the bed situations - everyone stayed close and warm! 
Kloie and Caden 
Annabel, Queena and Sandra prep some spam mmmm SPAM! 
Pastor David Higa (Calvary Echo Park) shares about following Jesus. He shared about the cost of following Jesus, terms of discipleship, and pressing onward, leaving our past behind. 
Hi from Thalia (7 months)
We split into teams and did an exercise on FOLLOWING the voice of the Shepherd. Everyone was instructed to listen ONLY to Pastor D's instructions and voice and to block out the distracting voices and sounds. 

The purpose of this exercise was to give the dudes and ladies a chance to practice and observe what it takes to listen to God's voice, to not worry what others are doing, and to block out the distractions around them.