Friday Night Live: May 8th

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE: Friday, May 8th@ 7:30pm in the Jr. High room

Draw close to the Lord through a time of intimate worship, an engaging Bible study and exciting fellowship.  If you’re looking for a place to be encouraged and challenged in your faith, be sure to come out.   

Keep the Backyard Missions Team in prayer. Many of our fellow Bridge goers will be ministering to the local cities in our own backyard (including Pastor D). 

LADIESNext Friday night, the ladies will be attending the Women’s Retreat Conference in the Main Sanctuary.  The event starts at 7pm, so the ladies will be meeting at 6:30pm in the foyer, in order to sit together.
Check out the link for more info

GUYS: The guys will be meeting offsite for a “Fellas Fellowship”, It will be a time of food and fellowship.  Go ahead and email us if you’re interested in attending and we’ll give you further details.