Turn away and turn to God! [2 Timothy 3:1-9]

Hi friends!
Wednesday night we continued our study of 2 Timothy. This book of the Bible is a letter written by Paul the apostle to his younger brother in the faith, Timothy.  Last week we learned how to be useful for the Master.  This week, our focus was on turning from the ways of the world and striving after Christ. [2 Timothy 3:1-9]

The guys and girls split up for a sweet time of worship and Pastor Dennis and his wife Xu [pictured below] each gave a devotional on the passage.  It can be really nice at times to fellowship with your own gender, creating a more intimate and safe place to share personal struggles, inspirations and encouragements.

We had lots of food and next time I"ll have to snap a picture of the food! The purpose for bringing in snacks is to give of ourselves and to share with others. Sharing is caring. It also fosters fellowship which is an important part of these discipleship nights. We talk about our day/week and get to know one another better! Maybe the food will be a post on it's own next time since we had Rascals, Subway, Weiner Schnitzel & Wing Stop! Mmm fancy!

Now onto the study. This passage is for believers and non-believers, alike! There are 19 adjectives listed in this passage that describe the 'last days' and a warning to turn from these ways and turn to God.  I find it helpful to breakdown the study based on what the guys learned and what the girls learned since it may minister to you in a more specific way.

Key points from the dude's discipleship:
2 Timothy 3:1-9
  • Are you a lover of yourself?
Looking at the theme: PRIDE, the guys recalled that this is one area where many great men fell in the Bible. God uses these stories as examples, to remind us we are sinful but also to call us out on our pride, teach us to submit to Him and humble ourselves before Him. We must seek to see God in his role and position, to see ourselves in the right role and position.
  • Am I a man without self-control?
This is a true challenge - to control our eyes, our thoughts, our words and actions.  Often we find that in public we appear to have things together or under control, so that others will see that we are in the right and handing our sin well. However, the struggle can happen in private where the enemy attempts to attack our weaknesses and isolate us to keep us in the dark.  Here is where we ask God for His strength and learn from His Word how to practice self-control.
  • Am I a lover of pleasure, rather than a lover of God?
Do you have lusts that are disciplined? If so, are they about things that God cares for? We can be disciplined in the wrong things if we don't check our priorities and heart's motivations.  Your love for God needs to outweigh the guilty, sinful pleasures of the world.

Key points from the daughters of the King:
2 Timothy 3:1-9
  • Turn away because of Jesus (v.1-5)
When we have an 'all about me' attitude, we can hurt others as we fulfill our lusts in this world.  In this, we become a target of the enemy and live under his control.  We turn away from the ways of the world when we see the stark contrast these ways have to Jesus's character. Therefore, we must turn back to Him to realize how we can change, only through His strength and power (verse 5 is our memory verse).
  • Turn back to Jesus (v.6-7)
As women, we have the power to influence others and the work of the Lord in their lives versus bringing down the entire household with our straying beliefs (v.6) So we turn to Jesus to shift our desires and mannerisms to mirror His.
  • Trust wholeheartedly in Jesus (v.8-9)
Because we can be so easily decieved, we must read His Word.  Learning His character will help us see that He is trustworthy. Once you handle real money enough, you can spot a fake! In the same way, the more time we spend with Jesus and know who He is, the more we can tell the things of the world are counterfit substitutions to the real thing!

In conclusion, we read Paul's warning to Timothy as a modern day warning to us! We are in the 'last days' as it is the time period  between Christ's departure to Heaven and His return. We must not be believers who appear godly, but lack the power of God in our lives! We should desire the strong convictions to match the growth in our relationship with Jesus. Be aware that there is urgency in this passage - to require us to change our ways as Jesus is soon returning! 

See you on Friday [3.23.2012]! Reminder: GO WORKSHOP! Come learn how to share Jesus with those outside of the church walls! 7pm - Children's Sanctuary. 1 hour of training, 1 hour of going into the local community to share the love of Jesus! If you feel scared, know that God's Word says: " For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" [2 Timothy 1:7] Hope to see you there!