Now you know, now GO! Matt 28:19-20

The Great Commission ---> Matthew 28:19-20

Friday night's meeting was held in the old overflow room since the Jr. High & High School were having a special event.  Every once in a while, be prepared to be flexible and change things up! We filled up the room and it was a blessing to see the place full of regular attenders and some new faces as well, praise GOD!

Pastor Dennis taught us from the passage that gives us our assignment as followers of Jesus Christ, "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (v.19-20).

As believers of Jesus Christ, we have invited Him to live in our hearts, and we ought to share the love we have received from Him, with others. When Jesus speaks of going, He's referring to taking action, putting feet to our faith, and letting God's word impact how we speak, act and live. This passage is referred to as the Great Commission.  Breaking down this word helps us to understand this term:  [Co] means, 'with' and [mission] means given a specific task; an important assignment.  Therefore, this commission given by the Lord is a direct command to go with God's power to share the good news of Jesus Christ [the gospel] to the world.

We were reminded that going involves movement! Also, that Jesus gives this command to go, with authority! He is God! We must know our role (children of God) and His role (Creator and Father) in order to understand why we must obey. Due to our selfish natures, we tend to let fear overcome us, as we worry about what people will think and second guess if we should share about Jesus. So we attacked this question from a Biblical standpoint:

The answer to this question is found in God's Word and is explained here in three motivating factors:

1. PURPOSE ---> we GO to understand and live out our PURPOSE for life
In Mark 1:35-38 Jesus went early in the morning away from all people and found time with His Father. This tells us, we need to find our moment with God (v.35). In our times with God is when we learn to hear His voice and gain direction and purpose for why He created us. When we seek Him out, we hear when to make a move or a decision, how to handle relationships and make plans, etc. When we step into what He's instructed, we will find our passion and calling, and our hearts will be delighted that it aligned with God's Word. We know that our time on Earth is temporary and that modeling our lives after Christ's will bring those in the world into the enlightenment of a relationship with Him that they may learn of eternal life with God. We find satisfaction from God in this life when we are living out what we were made for. 

2. NEED ---> we GO because the NEED to help is greater than the cost of danger
In John 11:7-8 Jesus returns to a place where the Jews had previously attempted to stone Him. His disciples question His actions, knowing that it was logical to be afraid of the things that could possibly transpire with His return.  However, Jesus explains that the need to help the people in that city was greater than the cost of danger involved with going.  By this example we are reminded that people who don't have Jesus have a great need for a Savior and that sharing the hope we have in Him will cost us dearly.  Sometimes it costs us our reputation, finances, our pride, a relationship or our comforts.  Whatever the costs, the redemption of sins and someones soul being with Christ is much greater of a reward than experiencing the pleasures of this world. We care for God's people when we see them with a Heavenly perspective. 

3. LOVE ---> we GO because sacrificial LOVE is transforming
Knowing the needs of ourselves and others, we GO because God's love is life altering.  No other love is as unselfish, unconditional, pure and sacrificial.  God's love for us extends beyond romantic feelings, friendship or any emotion.  His love is a choice, a commitment to be faithful and true forever.  Because of this love that we have received from Him, we should extend that same love to those around us.  We should GO tell others because He went (John 14:31) we should speak to others because He spoke, we should love others because He loves them. Love will overflow out of us once we realize that Jesus Christ gave His life for our sins. With this truth, we are changed, our hearts are transformed and we want others to experience this intimacy and hope in Christ!

Join us next week as we have the opportunity to GO into our local community and share the love of Jesus. We want to take what we are learning and apply it right away.  We will be having a GO! WORKSHOP in the Children's Sanctuary (Kids Zone) @ 7:00pm this coming Friday night, March 23rd.  The first part of the evening will consists of evangelism training, followed by breaking into groups and heading into the local cities to share about Jesus. Come expectant for God to work in your life and in the lives of others! 

Have a blessed week!