Useful for the Master 2 Timothy 2:11-26

Dudes Discipleship & Daughters of the King gathered together last night (Wed) for small groups. Our activity for the night was to practice doing announcements because practice makes us..... better (not perfect!).  The activity showed us how we can be used in a simple way, get out of our comfort zones and get to know one another better.  There are multiple ways to help out within the Bridge: prayer, worship team, greeting, power point, set up, food/snacks, etc. Reach out and let us know your passion and area of gifting!

We continued our study in 2 Timothy, by reading more of Paul's final letter (written from prison) to his friend Timothy who is in Ephesus. Paul is encouraging Timothy and the believers to reamin faithful to God amidst dischord, false teaching and the tendency to stray from the Truth.

The dude's main points of the study were:

1. Following the Master (v.11-13) - Jesus is our ultimate example and as we look to Him, we listen to His voice, obey His calling and find life.
2. Working for the Master (v. 14-18) - We keep our focus on Him, knowing that we don't work to please man, but to honor God.
3. Set aside for the Master (v.19-21) - In our obedience we strive to look different than the world, as we are set apart for His purposes.
4. Ambassador for the Master (v.22-26) - As a result of following Him, we belong under a higher calling, therefore, our conduct brings Him glory as we reflect Him.

The daughters of the King's main points were:

1. Workman - We are to be one who is diligent and not ashamed (v. 15)
2. Servant - Following Christ's example, we are to be faithful, have a pure motive, gentle, able to teach, and should always approach another with love (v.24)
3. Vessel - Our task is to be emptied of ourselves, available to be filled by God, and be ready to be used by God (v. 20-21)

Our memory verse for the night was - "Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work" (v. 21)