"With Him I can, without Him I can't"
John 15:1-8
Friday night we had a blessed time as we learned about God being the VINE and we are His BRANCHES, who must ABIDE in HIM to bear fruit for His Kingdom!!
Carrington gave a great testimony of God's protection over Him in a car accident, and gave glory to His Name for peace and joy amidst a challenging situation! Praise God!
Pastor Dennis continued teaching from the book of John and we learned that we can't live this life following Jesus on our own, and that God has provided for us 'The Helper' which is the Holy Spirit to come along side us and guide us and direct us. God has given us the instructions to put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6), step into battle on the winning & victorious team (team Jesus!!) and shared with us how to remain with Him.
In the study we broke down verses 1-8 and took from the Word instructions and promises from the Lord. First, we had to understand that Jesus is using symbols to help us understand the relationship we have with Him, His Father and others. He uses a vine, branches and fruit to help us see the roles involved within our relationships. Jesus is the True Vine, His Father is the Vine Dresser/Care Taker and we are the branches which must grow and must produce good deeds or "fruit" as evidence that God is active in our lives. (v.1-2)
We were challenged to consider 'pruning' which is the process of getting rid of that which is dead, unhealthy and not contributing to the growth of the branch and fruit. (v.5) We see the coorelation here to ABIDE with Christ, which means to stay close to Him in order that we remain in Him and producing fruit (v.4) As a result of producing fruit, others are nourished and are pointed back to Jesus as they share in the blessings!
If you are feeling, or have ever felt down or discouraged, take heart! For Jesus Christ lifts you up just as a Gardener would lift up a branch that is broken or weak. If you are desiring to be filled up with God, to be drained of yourself and supported by the One who created you, then come close to God and He will purge you and purify you.
The fruit you will produce will prove if you are the 'real deal' as fruit is the evidence that the plant is ALIVE! What are the areas in your life that should be pruned? What areas can you grow and produce fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self control (Gal 5:22-23)? Be encouraged and take your hearts concerns and hopes to the Lord!
We closed the night by praying for one another and thanking God for what He's done in our lives. We also desire to practice fellowship and unity within the 'body' or group of men and women that God has brought together for this season in our lives. We asked God to show us how to apply His Word and bear fruit in His Name so that our lives produce proof that He is in us.
Mascardo & Vaivao Kiddos hanging out |
Before we ended the night, Pastor D reminded us all that we aren't here to judge if one 'loses' his/her salvation in Christ. Rather, we are aware that many make the choice to 'leave' his/her salvation which is an active decision to leave God behind or on the side. His warning to us, was not to neglect Christ, or walk our own path but to hide God's Word in our heart (Psalm 119:!1) as we know that what is hidden in our hearts remains and what is in our minds is easily changed or forgotten.
Come out and join us every Friday night as we hear from God, respond with songs and prayer and share our lives together! See the empty seats, we need you to come and fill one! Have a blessed week!
"Remain in Me, and I will remain in You. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me" (John 15:4)