Friday Night: Being on Mission

Anthony Martinez & Co. Brought down the house with some amazing worship last night. Stacie addressed two questions asked by an attendee as part of our 'have you ever wondered?' set: why are there so many versions of the Bible and what's the best one?

She shared from multiple sources including, and bible ! Stacie explained how some versions (KJV,NKJV and NASB) are translated to be word for word and others (NIV) are translated to be thought by thought. There are also some that are paraphrased: The Message and The Living Bible.

Anthony Madlangbayan then shared a convicting message about the Great Commission (not the great suggestion!) He shared from Matthew 28:19-20 about being on mission right where we are at work, school and in our homes. He shared about being 'saved to serve' and having an urgency to share the cure for eternal damnation. If we have the cure- let's pass it along! It was truly a blessed night!