Friday Night: Caught doing GOOD

We are keeping Pastor Dennis and the team that is in the Philippines in prayer! We ask that you pray specifically for their health as at least half of the team has colds! But, we trust in our Lord Jesus Christ to heal each team member, sustain their bodies and replenish their energy as they still have a few more days. They will be returning Sunday evening. Keep them in prayer as they minister the good news of Jesus to the adults and children there. 

Join us this Friday night as we have a guest speaker share from Philippians 1:27, about Godly conduct. It's essential that we know as followers of Jesus how our words and actions impact those around us and can reflect Christ. We want to be caught doing the Lord's work, His way, and giving Him all the glory. 

We meet at 7:30pm in the Jr. High room - bring a friend!